365 Financial Analyst Help Center

Can I write articles and contribute to your blog?

We’re all about knowledge sharing and learning, so we welcome our members and industry colleagues to contribute to our blog. If you want to write an article, please send us the following at team@365financialanalyst.com: 

  • A brief overview of your background, qualifications, and experience 
  • Links to your published articles and/or other relevant editorial work 

Once we receive all the relevant information, we will carefully evaluate whether your expertise could add value to our audience and will get back to you with a topic we would like you to write about. 

If you already have a pre-written article or you want to explore a topic of your choice, we recommend checking with us before sending a full draft. You can provide an outline at team@365financialanalyst.com, including the following: 

  • The topic you want to cover 
  • The approximate article length (number of words) 
  • The sources you’ll use to create your piece 

All approved blog contributors will receive the 365 Financial Analyst Style Guide for reference and directions on brand voice, tone, and writing style. 

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