Last answered:

21 Feb 2024

Posted on:

01 Feb 2024


Please can we have a whatsapp group or slack channel where we can be grouped based on our level .

Please I need a learning community or slack channel where beginners or oldies can help each other .

2 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

02 Feb 2024


Hello Adebukola,

Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion!

We understand the importance of community learning, and we're pleased to inform you

that our platform already has a feature that can serve as your needs. Inside the 365 Data

Science platform, you can utilize our social channels feature to connect and collaborate with

other students.

These channels are organized by topics, skills, and projects, allowing you to easily find and

engage with peers who are at the same learning level or with those who have expertise in

areas you are interested in.

It's a great space to exchange information and support each other's learning journey,

whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional.

We encourage you to explore these channels and start connecting with fellow aspiring data

science professionals today. It's an excellent way to enhance your learning experience and

grow within the community. Here's an access link:

We hope you found this information helpful!


The 365 Team

Posted on:

21 Feb 2024


Hello , I checked the linked shared , its for financial analysts . I am currently enrolled for Data Scientist track . I will love to be more guided on how to find the slack channel that relates to that . 

Thanks .

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