Last answered:

04 May 2024

Posted on:

17 Jun 2023


Resolved: Question about output isolation in exercise 8.6 iteration of dictionaries?

How to make the code 1: Print only the final result, not every step of the process? 2: If no value is cheaper/more expensive than 5, to print "No value was cheaper/higher than 5"? Here for example it gives me 3 sentences:

No products were priced at 5 dollars or above
The products of 5 dollars or above costed: 50
No products were priced at 5 dollars or above
But i don't want that. I want it to print directly the result, or if there is no such product in the dictionary, to print "None of the values was within the parameters". Some suggested modules i found on the internet were things like all  and larger  but i don't know how to implement them. Thanks for your help in advance.
5 answers ( 2 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

20 Jun 2023


Professor, if you dont help with our questions, how will we learn?

Posted on:

27 Jun 2023


Hi Panagiotis!
Thanks for reaching out.

You can use something like this:

prices = {
    "box_of_spaghetti" : 4,
    "lasagna" : 5,
    "hamburger" : 2

quantity = {
    "box_of_spaghetti" : 6,
    "lasagna" : 10,
    "hamburger" : 0


for i in prices:
    if prices[i] >= 5:
        money_spent += prices[i] * quantity[i]
print("The products of 5 dollars or above costed", money_spent)

If you add the second condition in this loop, every time it has a price less than 5, it will print you the message.

Hope this helps.

Posted on:

28 Jun 2023


Thank you professor i found the solution. I nest the next if conditional, out of the for loop. like that: 

for i in prices:

    if prices[i] >= 5:

        mon_spent_up5 += prices[i] * quantity[i]

        print("The products of 5 dollars or above costed:", mon_spent_up5)

if mon_spent_up5 == 0:

        print("No product was in that price range.")


Thus if after all iterations it is still 0, it gives back "No product was in that price range". Cause when i was nesting it in the initial loop, it always gave at least the first iteration as a "No product in range", because  the first in the dictionary, it was a sub 5 product. Thanks for your input.

Posted on:

28 Jun 2023


Would be glad to hear your helping feedback in the rectangle exercise as well:

Posted on:

04 May 2024


Hi Panagiotis!

Thanks for reaching out.

Yes, please refer to the link provided. Thank you.

Kind regards,


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