in %TotalSalesAmount
How we divide the [TotalSalesAmount] / CALCULATE(SUM(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount]),ALL(dim_SalesTeritory[SalesTerritoryCountry]),ALL(dim_SalesTeritory[CountryOrder]))
i thought we should change the divide to be CALCULATE(SUM(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount]),ALL(dim_SalesTeritory[SalesTerritoryCountry]),ALL(dim_SalesTeritory[CountryOrder])) / [TotalSalesAmount]
i don't understand here the order of divide I think [TotalSalesAmount] is the large number and the other is the small number for each country
Hi Abdelrahman Mahmoud,
[TotalSalesAmount] is the TOTAL of all the countries if no filter applied, or when a country is 'selected' it then is the Total Sales for that country ONLY.
So its value can be the TOTAL of all countries when no filter (100%) or only part of the overall TOTAL when it filtered to the smaller number for each country.
The CALCULATE(SUM.....)) is a 'static' TOTAL SALES figure (not affected by Country filter selection), so in the formula it will always be the 'large' number.
So your understanding of the division format is correct - small above, large below - but the [TotalSalesAmount] is a 'changing' value, so its name may lead to some misunderstanding.
Hope the above makes sense.
Kev T.
thanks i got it now