Last answered:

04 Nov 2024

Posted on:

28 Apr 2024


Can anyone provide a reasoning for this calculation of Goodwill?

As of now this is what I understood:-

Equity Purchase price is the acquisition price of the equity from the market at a premium.

Net Book Value of Assets is Basically The Equity Value according to the current market price (without premium).

Shouldn't excess purchase price be basically the premium paid for acquisition?

After that we make Fair Value adjustments which makes sense to a certain extent but still dont get the sophisticated logic behind it.

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Posted on:

04 Nov 2024

if u I00k cI0ser whiIe purchasing the business u r paying premium 0n market price 0f st0ck and n0t b00k vaIue 0f st0ck, market price and b00k vaIue 0f st0ck are tw0 different things; [eg' adani's current st0ck price keeps fIuctuating in st0ck market , that is market price; whereas b00k vaIue might be much I0wer than that]

sec0nd thing Iets say u went t0 buy reIiance wh0se net assets are $100 bn but as per market price and premium there up0n u ended up paying 130 bn then f0r which thing u have paid 30 extra? they caII it g00dwiII 0n asset side, and if market price and premium there up0n was 0n I0wer side Iet's say $80 bn, then u have paid Iess and g0t m0re in that case u rec0rd $ 20 bn as capitaI reserve 0n IiabiIities side in BaIance sheet :) 

h0pe it heIped

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