RANK – Excel Template

Ned Krastev
Ned Krastev

If you want to compare how a number ranks inside a given range, you might want to use the RANK function. Think of the following situation – you are asked to obtain a list with the top 10 suppliers of a company. It works with hundreds of suppliers. One way to obtain the top 10 would be to use the RANK function. RANK is very easy to apply. Think about a spreadsheet with employee salaries. If you want to rank a given employee’s salary, you will select the cell with their salary, then the next argument will be the range with all other salaries. This would allow you to obtain a ranking of the employee’s salary compared to everyone else’s compensation.

Some other related topics you might be interested to explore are SORT, LARGE, SMALL, and FREQUENCY.

This is an open-access Excel template in XLSX format that will be useful for anyone who wants to work as a Financial Analyst, Business Analyst, Consultant, Corporate Executive, or everyone preparing a corporate presentation.

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