Last answered:

29 Mar 2023

Posted on:

06 Nov 2021


Situational Analysis prior to hypothesis development

Why do we develop the hypothesis before making the situational analysis?
It's more logical to know the organizational needs and where are the factors that shape the performance of the needs before making a hypothesis.
for example:
I need to identify the organization's needs in the German market which is increasing the profitability and we can interpret that the profitability is decreased for the heavy competition there then I need to develop a hypothesis that funding more on the marketing will increase my sales volume so the profitability increases.

not vise versa.

1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

29 Mar 2023


I have the same thought too. It seems more intuitive to conduct a situational analysis prior to determining a hypothesis. In fact, hypthesis development should be after both situational and current state analyses. 

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