Last answered:

15 Jul 2024

Posted on:

15 Jul 2024


Resolved: is time continuous or ratio

in previous video(level of measurement) you said time is continuous, it is impossible to count(23:23566...) but i this video you say Time is ratio(it has a true zero). would you like to elaborate.

1 answers ( 1 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

15 Jul 2024


Hello Gauman,

Thanks for reaching out!

Time is considered an interval variable because the differences between time points are consistent, but there is no “true zero” value.

For instance, the difference between 10 AM and 11 AM is the same as between 3 PM and 4 PM, and the same as between 8 PM and 9 PM.

However, time lacks a true zero point. For example, we cannot say that 4 PM is twice as late as 2 PM because there is no absolute zero that represents the complete absence of time.

In contrast, consider a ratio variable like height.

With height, we can say that 6 feet is twice as tall as 3 feet because height has a true zero point, meaning the complete absence of height.

This true zero allows for meaningful comparisons using multiplication and division, which is not possible with interval variables like time.


The 365 Team

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