Communication and Presentation Skills for Analysts and Managers

with Gilbert Eijkelenboom

Elevate your professional communication skills and present data effectively with the art of storytelling. Make people listen and act on your data insights.

3 hours 60 lessons
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60 High Quality Lessons
0 Practical Tasks
3 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

Communication is one of the most frequently listed requirements in job postings across the industries. And yet very few analysts and managers realise the importance of communication skills and have not had the chance to work on improving their storytelling abilities. Give yourself a competitive edge by bridging this gap and prove to employers you’re an expert at presenting data and communicating your findings. Take the Communication and Presentation Skills for Analysts and Managers course for the opportunity to learn how to give a good presentation of your work. The course instructor, Gilbert Eijkelenboom, author of the bestselling book People Skills for Analytical Thinkers and founder of the MindSpeaking program, is an expert in soft skills training. He teaches you how to maximize your hard work during the preparatory phase by communicating your findings with impact. Ensure your analysis doesn’t get buried under hundreds of other priorities—make people understand and implement your suggestions. Business storytelling helps you present data in an engaging way that stakeholders can easily comprehend. For this reason, it’s important to undergo some presentation skills training to ensure you’re up for the task. Once your audience is hooked, they will be eager to come on a journey with you and see how the insights your analysis produced complete the story you’re telling. In this course, Gilbert addresses some of the key challenges faced by most professionals when it comes to preparing a presentation, including creating a good story, using PowerPoint effectively, dealing with presentation stress, and the best way to present data with impact. Get ready for an exciting learning experience that shows you how improve your communication and presentation skills—two of the most important professional skills in the business world.

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What You'll Learn

Many human resource managers refer to communication as a soft skill, while storytelling is considered as a power skill. If we say that such skills are akin to business superpowers, by taking this Communication and Presentation Skills for Analysts and Managers course, you’ll gain several. In the end, you’ll be able to do the following:

Create a good data story
Avoid mistakes when presenting data
Master the art of storytelling
Learn how to prepare for a presentation effectively
Deal with presentation stress
Use PowerPoint to its fullest potential


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Extremly useful course... People think that they can talk and explain a point... and even when thay fail.. They tend to blame the interlocuter.. That's avery week stand.. Rather, try to reflect on its own speech, and enjoy full commitement and convince people with very simple yet powerful softskills
this is an amazing course I believe, here is a suggestion I think the course can be designed as a communication skill because not only data Scientists can relate to this course Everybody from whatever field should relate to this course I believe communication skill is more important in every field.
I felt that every video as informational, engaging, and impactful. I also appreciate all the different exercises and resources provided throughout the course. I will be adding People Skills for Analytical Thinkers by Gilbert to my reading list!
This is just what the doctor ordered, I need to learn how to communicate better. I have a number of Giovanies in my life. I need to learn how to connect and excite them about the great ideas that I have.
I love this course. Many times data people fail to achieve what they actually intend to because they are not effective at telling the story that the data gives.
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Gilbert Eijkelenboom

“Imagine seven days from now you're going to this meeting, having prepared your data story. And instead of seeing confused faces in the audience, you see people nodding in agreement, people saying “yes, let's implement this.” You're presenting with full confidence, and the people around you clinging to every word you're saying. That sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Turn this into reality by taking the Communication and Presentation Skills for Analysts and Managers course!”

Gilbert Eijkelenboom

Founder at MindSpeaking

Communication and Presentation Skills for Analysts and Managers

with Gilbert Eijkelenboom

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