Advanced Financial Reporting - Inventory

with Antoniya Baltova

Are you looking to gain a deeper understanding of financial reporting and inventory valuation? In this course, we explore the different inventory costing methods, such as FIFO, LIFO, and WAVCO, and how they impact the financial statements of a company. You will also learn about the accounting treatment of inventory write-downs and how to value inventory under specific circumstances.

1 hour 11 lessons
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11 High Quality Lessons
0 Practical Tasks
1 Hour of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

Inventory is an important line item in the Balance Sheet of many companies. Inventory management affects many departments in an organization—from production and sales to finance and operations. In this Advanced Financial Reporting – Inventory course, we guide you through the key concepts in accounting and financial reporting for inventories. You will learn about the four cost flow methods—FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average Cost, and Specific Identification—and how to calculate various financial indicators under these assumptions. The Financial Reporting for Inventories course contains many practical examples and exercises showing you how to compare companies' financial statements using different valuation methods. Throughout the course, you will work on real-world case studies and projects that will help you apply your new skills in a practical setting. By the end of the course, you will have the necessary knowledge and skills to create accurate inventory valuations, prepare financial statements and analyze inventory performance. We also discuss the concept of Net Realizable Value (NRV) and its implications in financial reporting. We conclude the course by exploring the necessary inventory disclosures and the importance of inventory ratios for financial analysis. Sign up now to master your financial reporting skills and take you finance career to the next level!

Topics covered

Excelfinancial analysisFinancial ReportingIFRS

What You'll Learn

In this Advanced Financial Reporting – Inventory course, we cover the following topics:

Types of inventory costs
Common cost flow assumptions—FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average Cost, Specific Identification
The effect of inflation and deflation on inventory costs
Calculating COGS, gross profit, and closing inventory balance under different valuation methods
The implications of valuing inventory at Net Realizable Value (NRV)
Converting the financial statements of a company from LIFO to FIFO in Excel


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sweet crisp and to the point, exactly what you should know and is enough to work in the inventory rich industries. And her accent is melody to ears seriously.
An excellent course with good explanation and illustration.
Detailed and very educative course. Thanks
Good lesson you made my liofe easy at work
This is a beautiful course, well explained
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Antoniya Baltova

“Effective inventory management can be a source of competitive advantage for businesses.”

Antoniya Baltova

Chief Financial Officer at 365

Advanced Financial Reporting - Inventory

with Antoniya Baltova

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