Practice Exam Instructions

Please note the following:
  • 6 Questions in Total The exam comprises a total of 1 case with 6 questions. The case describes a scenario, followed by X relevant questions. Download the provided data files to answer correctly.
  • 12 Minutes in Total You will have 12 minutes to complete the exam and review your answers. You can monitor the time left at the top of your screen. The timer will start flashing red for the last five minutes. When the clock runs out, your exam will be automatically submitted with the progress you've made up to that moment.
  • Flag and Review You can answer the questions in any order. If you are unsure about an answer, you can flag, skip, and revisit the question later. You can review and correct your answers at any point during the exam via the Review Questions button in the top right corner. After you receive your evaluation, go through your answers to check which ones were correct/incorrect.
  • Exam Requirements and Code of Conduct You need a desktop computer or a laptop to take the exam.

    Ensure your internet connection is stable, and your equipment is in order. 365 Financial Analyst will not be responsible for power failures or network issues during the exam.

    You are not permitted to take screenshots, record the screen, copy and paste, or distribute the exam content outside the platform in any other way.

    The work you submit should be the result of your own unaided efforts.
Notes from Instructor
Good luck with the exam!
This exam features the following tools which you must install in order to complete the exam.
  • Excel